Workshop on Advanced Visual Interfaces for Augmented Video  (AVIxAV)

In conjunction with the AVI 2022 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces June 6th-10th 2022, Rome Italy and online

The Workshop

Multimedia content and video consumption are expected to take a central role in the post-pandemic world. Thus, providing new advanced interfaces and services that exploit them and lessen their weaker aspects becomes of paramount importance. Video consumption suffers for instance from the well-known problem of linear-sequential viewing, poor content retrieval, lack of structure and lack of highlighting of relevant features. Online video services and the research community are working to provide tools that enhance the user experience with video consumption. This issue affects in particular the use of videos for learning and training purposes. The provision of augmentation services such as visual feedback, knowledge graphs, and visual summaries of video fragments, just to give some examples, have been shown to limit the problems mentioned above. However, automating the development of such services is still a challenge, recently addressed by exploiting deep learning models that use multimodal input data, but further research is needed to exploit the results in effective  services. Personalized visual annotation of videos and adaptive interfaces for data visualization and mobile interaction are further examples of video augmentation that can address the needs of users with different needs, abilities and usage contexts.


The main goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in  video augmentation for different purposes, among which education, with the experts and researchers of HCI, AI and data visualization, including those working on learning diseases, a research area where multimedia and video-based learning have been studied for long.  Researchers can find the workshop a useful opportunity to present their original and innovative ideas, not yet mature or fully evaluated for publication in the main conference. 


We invite submissions that address AVI topics and are focused on visual interfaces for video augmentation. They include but are not limited to the following: 

  • Visual augmentation of videos
  • Visual summaries and indexing
  • Video augmentation for mobile users
  • Search Interfaces for video exploration
  • Visual analytics 
  • Visual analytics 
  • Interactive video
  • 3D video
  • 360 degree video
  • Hypervideo
  • Adaptive and personalized user interfaces
  • Knowledge graph visualization and exploration
  • Visual tips and recommendations
  • Knowledge extraction and visualization
  • Intelligent multimodal interfaces
  • Usability and accessibility
  • Video augmentation for inclusiveness
  • Video augmentation for training
  • Video-based learning
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